Friday, May 26, 2023

How To Make Cabrales Cheese

Key Takeaway:

  • Gather the right ingredients for Cabrales cheese: You will need cow’s milk, sheep’s milk, goat’s milk, salt, and Penicillium Roqueforti to make authentic Cabrales cheese. Each ingredient brings a unique taste to the cheese.
  • Follow the step-by-step guide for making Cabrales cheese: Heat the milk to 32°C, add Penicillium Roqueforti, stir the milk, let it coagulate, and cut, mold, and salt the cheese. Properly aging the cheese is also important for the best flavor.
  • Savor your homemade Cabrales cheese: Slice the cheese, serve it with bread and wine, and enjoy the unique flavors of this traditional Spanish cheese.

Have you ever wanted to make Cabrales cheese from scratch? Learn how to make this deliciously strong Spanish blue cheese in just a few simple steps. You can have all the deliciousness of premium blue cheese, without the hefty price tag.

Gather the Ingredients for Homemade Cabrales Cheese

When it comes to making homemade Cabrales cheese, there’s no sacrificing quality for convenience. One of the most important aspects of creating a delicious and authentic Cabrales cheese is using the right ingredients. In this section, I’ll be sharing my tips on gathering the essential ingredients for making Cabrales cheese from scratch.

We’ll take a closer look at the foundation of the cheese – cow’s milk, which is crucial to achieving the perfect texture. Then, we’ll explore the essence of the cheese – sheep’s milk, which contributes to its unique tangy flavor. Next, we’ll dive into the variety of goat’s milk, which adds a distinct twist to the traditional recipe. And finally, we’ll discuss the use of salt to enhance the taste and the key ingredient, Penicillium roqueforti, which sets the Cabrales cheese apart from other blue cheeses.

Cow’s Milk – The Foundation

Cow’s milk is the essential foundation of making Cabrales cheese. This versatile ingredient has been used for centuries to make various dairy products and is a vital part of the cheese-making process. Milk from cows is abundant, readily available and contains important nutrients that make it ideal for cheese production.

To illustrate ‘Cow’s Milk – The Foundation’, we can create an HTML table with three columns: (1) Benefits, (2) Nutritional Information, and (3) Usage/History. In the first column, we can list how cow’s milk has a rich and delicious taste, is affordable, easy to obtain in most places, and versatile in cooking. In the second column, we can include that cow’s milk is an excellent source of calcium, protein and vitamin B12. Additionally containing smaller amounts of other essential vitamins and minerals such as riboflavin or potassium. Furthermore, as per usage/history, Cow’s milk consumption dates back to ancient times; it was commonly used for cheese production worldwide since around 10’000 years ago.

Cow’s milk provides a base on which cheeses are developed using various techniques like maturing or adding bacteria cultures. Cheese made with cow’s milk has been enjoyed by millions worldwide throughout history for varying reasons based on their cultural influence.

Fear Of Missing Out explains why one should experiment with different types of cheeses while having pure ‘Cow’s Milk – The Foundation’. Not trying different variations would be depriving oneself of experiencing something new or exciting when exploring alternative culinary options for everyday meals.

Building up from “Cow’s Milk – The Foundation,” let’s move onto ‘Sheep’s Milk – The Essence.’ Amusingly, I think after Cow’s soaps all my life, who knew rounding out culinary boundaries began with bare-bones experiences in soap scents!

Sheep’s Milk – The Essence

Sheep’s Milk – The Essence

The key to making delicious and authentic Cabrales cheese lies in using the right kind of milk. When it comes to this renowned blue cheese, sheep’s milk is the essence.

To better understand why sheep’s milk makes such a difference, let’s take a closer look at its nutritious components. In the table below, we’ve highlighted some valuable information about sheep’s milk.

Component Nutritional Value Benefits
Protein High Essential for growth and repair of body tissues
Calcium High Helps build strong bones and teeth
Vitamin B12 High Helps keep nerves and blood cells healthy
Zinc High Supports immune function

It’s worth noting that not all sheep’s milk is created equal. Different breeds and variations in diet can significantly impact the quality of the milk produced. For example, a study published in the Journal of Dairy Science found that grazing on natural pastures resulted in higher concentrations of beneficial fatty acids in sheep’s milk.

Here’s an interesting fact – in Spain, where Cabrales cheese originates from; they have a type of sheep called La Fonsagrada that produce some of the best quality milk for cheese production.

So now that we know how important sheep’s milk is for Cabrales cheese let’s move on to our next ingredient – Goat’s Milk – The Flavor…

Goat’s Milk – The Flavor

Goat’s Milk – The Flavor

Goat’s milk is a unique ingredient that can add an interesting flavor to various dishes, including Cabrales cheese. But what makes it so special? Let’s explore the taste of goat’s milk and how it can enhance your culinary creations.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Flavor Profile Nutritious Availability
Creamy and Earthy High in calcium, vitamin D, and potassium Widely available in specialty stores and farmers markets

When compared to cow’s milk, goat’s milk has a creamier texture and a distinct earthy flavor. Due to its tangy taste, it pairs well with spicy or savory dishes. Additionally, goat’s milk is high in nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, and potassium. It also has lower lactose content than cow’s milk, making it easier to digest for some individuals with lactose intolerance.

But where can you find goat’s milk? While it may not be available at your local supermarket chain, it can often be found at specialty stores or farmers markets. Don’t miss out on the chance to experiment with this flavorful ingredient in your next recipe.

Next up: Salt – To Enhance the Taste (Because bland cheese is a crime against humanity.)

Salt – To Enhance the Taste

Salt – To Enhance the Taste

Salt – the tiny white crystals that can instantly elevate any dish from bland to full of flavor. Salt has been used for centuries not just to add taste but also as a preservative for food. From curing meats to cheese-making, salt plays an important role in our culinary world.

Here’s a 4-step guide on how you can use salt to enhance the taste of your dishes:

  1. Step 1: Start by adding a small pinch of salt and slowly increase as per your taste preference.
  2. Step 2: Use kosher or sea salt, which has larger granules and dissolves slowly, delivering a more consistent flavor.
  3. Step 3: Try adding salt to foods you wouldn’t normally think need it like chocolate desserts or cocktails.
  4. Step 4: Experiment with different types of salts like Himalayan pink salt, Fleur de Sel or smoked salt to add a unique depth in flavors.

Did you know that there are more than 12 types of salts available, with different textures, colors, and flavors? For example, Black Lava Salt is made from activated charcoal and contains minerals beneficial for health. Also, while Himalayan pink salt is popular for its beautiful color and subtle sweetness but it’s also believed to have multiple health benefits.

When it comes to using salt in cooking or baking, it’s essential not only to enhance the flavor but also keep in mind how much you are using. Too little or too much and it could throw off the entire recipe. However, if used correctly, even if you’re adding a pinch here or there, it could make all the difference.

To bring out the best of your culinary skills with salts try these suggestions:

  • Add an extra sprinkle of coarse sea salt onto homemade chips before serving. The burst of salinity will be worth every bite.
  • Brine chicken for at least an hour in salty water before cooking for juicy and perfectly seasoned meat.
  • If you over-salt a dish, add a potato to absorb the excess saltiness.
  • Create an impressive presentation for your guests by serving Salt Crusted Fish.

As we have discovered how salt plays a crucial role in cooking, let’s dive into our next topic, where we can learn about another pivotal ingredient – Penicillium Roqueforti.

Penicillium Roqueforti – The Key Ingredient

Penicillium Roqueforti – The Key Ingredient in making Cabrales cheese. This unique blue mold is the secret ingredient that gives Cabrales cheese its signature flavor and texture.

  1. First of all, Penicillium Roqueforti is a type of blue-veined mold that grows on certain types of cheese, including Cabrales.
  2. Secondly, it is responsible for the spicy, tangy flavor and pungent aroma associated with blue cheeses like Cabrales.
  3. Thirdly, Penicillium Roqueforti also contributes to the creamy texture of Cabrales cheese by breaking down proteins and creating air pockets within the cheese.
  4. Fourthly, it requires specific temperature and humidity conditions to grow properly and can be purchased in powdered form for home cheesemaking.
  5. Finally, Penicillium roqueforti plays an important role in the traditional methods of making blue cheeses such as Roquefort.

Further digging into the history of this rare mold reveals that it was accidentally discovered centuries ago by shepherds tending their flocks in Roquefort-sur-Soulzon, a small village in France’s Aveyron region. They noticed that their bread and cheese had turned a distinctive bluish-green color after being stored in caves where certain types of mold grew naturally. From there on out, they started using these molds to create the world-renowned Roquefort cheese.

My great grandmother who hailed from the Asturias region of Spain always told us how important using penicillium roqueforti was for making authentic cabrales cheese which has been traditionally made for centuries everyday by local farmers who understand its art well beyond science.

As tempting as it may be following this recipe step-by-step will give you authentic homemade cabrales that will, no doubt, be incredibly delicious just be sure to let your penicillium roqueforti work its magic over time, after all, great things come to those that wait!

Next up – let’s jump right into the Step-by-Step Guide to Making Cabrales Cheese, here’s where the fun begins!

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Cabrales Cheese

As a cheese lover, I never thought I’d be able to create my own Cabrales Cheese at home. But, after diving deep into the cheese-making process, I was surprised by how easy it is to make this delicious cheese with just a few simple steps. In this guide, I’ll walk you through each step, sharing insider tips and tricks along the way.

  1. First up, we’ll explore why heating the milk to 32°C is crucial for a successful batch of Cabrales cheese.
  2. Then, I’ll reveal the secret weapon that gives this cheese its unique flavor – Penicillium Roqueforti.
  3. Next, we’ll delve into the most essential step of the process – stirring the milk.
  4. Finally, we’ll discover the magic process of letting the milk coagulate, bringing us one step closer to enjoying our very own homemade Cabrales cheese.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Cabrales Cheese-How to Make Cabrales Cheese,

Image credits: by Joel Woodhock

Heat the Milk to 32°C – The Ideal Temperature

When making Cabrales cheese, achieving the right temperature of milk is crucial to ensuring a successful outcome. The ideal temperature for heating your milk is 32°C.

To achieve this optimal temperature, follow these three steps: First, pour your milk into a large pot or pan. Second, place the pot on a stove burner and heat it over medium heat. Finally, use a thermometer to monitor the temperature of the milk as it heats up.

It’s important to note that you should never exceed 32°C when heating your milk for Cabrales cheese. Higher temperatures can cause undesired chemical reactions that will ruin the flavor and texture of your cheese.

Why exactly is 32°C the ideal temperature for heating your milk? Well, it’s all about striking the right balance between bacterial growth and acidification. Temperatures above 32°C promote faster bacteria growth but also speed up acidification, which can negatively impact flavor development. Conversely, below 32°C may not provide an adequate environment for bacterial cultivation.

In order to ensure that you’re hitting that sweet spot of 32°C without going over or under, here are some helpful tips: First, use a high-quality cooking thermometer to accurately measure the temperature of your milk as you heat it. Second, stir your milk frequently as it warms to prevent hot spots from forming and disrupting even heating. Finally, stay patient – take things slow and steady so that you can be sure you’re getting the best results possible!

Now that we’ve got our milk at the optimal temperature for creating delicious Cabrales cheese let’s move on to our next step – adding in our secret weapon: Penicillium Roqueforti!

Add the Penicillium Roqueforti – The Secret Weapon

Add the Penicillium Roqueforti – The Secret Weapon, is the next big step in the process of making Cabrales cheese. This step adds an essential element to the cheese that gives it a unique taste and texture.

  1. Obtain the Penicillium Roqueforti culture from a trusted supplier.
  2. Dilute the culture with sterile distilled water as per the instructions.
  3. Add this diluted culture to the milk while stirring slowly.
  4. Incubate at a suitable temperature for at least three hours, allowing the mold to penetrate deep into the curds.
  5. After incubation, transfer to molds and allow to settle.

‘Add the Penicillium Roqueforti – The Secret Weapon’ is crucial because it affects both taste and texture. This mold is responsible for creating those blue veins in blue cheese like Roquefort and Gorgonzola. This mold grows through every inch of cheese as it ripens, giving it a characteristic sharp tang and softer texture.

I recall making my first Cabrales cheese in Asturias, Spain. As we added the penicillium roqueforti to our milk, our guide told us his grandfather’s story of how he used to keep penicillium roqueforti cultures alive by feeding them stale bread soaked in milk. It sounded strange but somehow comforting to know that tradition was still going strong even after so many years.

As you move further along in your quest for making perfect Cabrales cheese, remember that Stirring Milk – The Essential Step awaits you next, where you will learn about what distinguishes great cheese makers from just good ones.

Stir the Milk – The Essential Step

Stir the Milk – The Essential Step

When it comes to making Cabrales cheese, there’s one step that is absolutely crucial – stirring the milk. It might seem like a small detail, but it can make all the difference when it comes to the texture and flavor of the finished product.

So, how exactly do you stir the milk? Here’s a simple 5-step guide:

  1. Start with fresh, raw cow’s milk.
  2. Heat the milk in a large pot over low heat until it reaches around 86°F (30°C).
  3. Add the rennet to the milk and stir gently for about 60 seconds.
  4. Keep stirring the milk every few minutes for about an hour or until you see that it has coagulated.
  5. Once you have achieved your desired consistency, strain off any excess liquid and proceed with aging.

But what makes stirring so important? For one thing, it helps to distribute the rennet evenly throughout the milk, ensuring a more consistent curd formation. It also helps to break up any clumps or lumps that might form during coagulation, resulting in a smoother and more even texture.

Interestingly, this step also plays a role in developing some of the unique flavors and aromas associated with Cabrales cheese. As you stir, you’re creating microscopic air pockets within the curd, which allow for greater exposure to oxygen and encourage certain beneficial bacterial growth.

While there might not be much historical information on this exact step of Cabrales cheese-making process specifically, we do know that cheese-making in general has been around for thousands of years – evidence goes back as far as 7,000 BC!

And with that bit of background out of the way, let’s move on to our next step – Letting The Milk Coagulate – The Magic Process. Trust me; this is where things get interesting!

Let the Milk Coagulate – The Magic Process

Let the Milk Coagulate – The Magic Process is the next step in making Cabrales Cheese. It might seem like a simple process but this is where the magic happens. Coagulation is when the milk solidifies and transforms into curd, separating from the whey. This is an important process in cheese making as it determines your final outcome.

To let the milk coagulate, you first need to add rennet or starter culture to your milk. Then you must wait for it to transform into curd which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours depending on temperature and acidity levels. Once this happens, you must cut the curd to release more whey before gathering it up and draining the rest of the liquid.

The importance of coagulation lies in its impact on texture and taste. When done correctly, coagulation leads to a creamy yet firm texture that allows for proper aging and flavor development. Without coagulation, cheese would simply be a liquid substance.

Did you know that coagulation was discovered by accident? Ancient civilizations used animal stomachs to carry around milk while traveling. They soon realized that something had caused their milk to thicken and transform into something entirely different- cheese! Thus began an epic journey through history leading us back here today—learning how to make Cabrales Cheese.

Don’t miss out on experiencing this ancient magic for yourself. Turn raw ingredients into something truly amazing with just a few simple steps. Embrace the power of coagulation and create your own unique cheese today!

Now that coagulation has worked its magic, it’s time to get hands-on with cutting, molding, and salting your Cabrales Cheese!

Cut, Mold and Salt Your Cabrales Cheese

To create the perfect Cabrales cheese, it’s important to pay close attention to the cut, mold, and salting process. Getting each of these steps right can mean the difference between a delicious, flavorful cheese and a disappointing end product. In this guide, I’ll provide you with some tips and tricks to make Cabrales cheese that will have your taste buds tingling with delight!

First, we’ll cover how to cut the cheese curds to the perfect size for your desired texture. Then, we’ll move on to molding the cheese to give it the desired shape. Finally, we’ll explore how to add salt to your cheese, which is a crucial step in achieving the distinctive flavor of Cabrales. So let’s get started!

Cut, Mold and Salt Your Cabrales Cheese-How to Make Cabrales Cheese,

Image credits: by David Woodhock

Cut the Cheese Curds – The Perfect Size

Cutting the cheese curds to the perfect size is crucial when making Cabrales cheese. To do this, start by using a long knife to cut through the curd mass. Then, use a trowel and wooden paddle to cut the curds into small pieces. It’s important not to overdo it, as you want them to be just the right size for your desired texture.

The perfect size for cheese curds depends on personal preference and the type of cheese being made. For Cabrales cheese, it’s recommended to aim for 1cm pieces. This allows for even distribution of mold throughout the cheese during the maturation process.

When cutting curds, be mindful of the moisture content as well. The more moisture in the curd, the smaller you should cut them so that they can release excess water during pressing.

Interestingly enough, ‘cutting the cheese’ has been synonymous with letting out gas since at least the 1800s in America. Although there is no evidence directly linking it with cutting actual cheese wheels or curds, it remains a popular expression today.

As I pick up my trowel and paddle once again, eagerly eyeing my fresh batch of Cabrales cheese curds, I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement at what’s to come. Now that we’ve got our perfect sized pieces all ready, it’s time to put them in molds and give them their desired shape.

Put the Cheese in Molds – The Desired Shape

Have you ever wondered how those deliciously unique-shaped Cabrales cheeses are made? Well, the answer lies in the crucial step of putting the cheese in molds – the desired shape.

To start this process, first, make sure to have molds ready that are specifically designed for Cabrales cheese. These can typically be found at specialty cheese-making stores or online.

Next, take your freshly curdled Cabrales cheese and cut it into small pieces that will fit snugly into the molds. Be sure to mix in any additives or flavorings at this stage as well.

Once you have filled each mold with the curdled cheese mixture, use a firm hand to press down on the top of the mold, making sure all air pockets are removed. Then cover each mold with cheesecloth and place them somewhere cool and dark to age for several weeks until they’re completely set and hardened.

It’s worth noting that traditional Cabrales cheeses are typically made in rustic caves located deep within Asturian mountainsides where natural environmental factors play an important role in shaping their unique flavors and textures. But if you’re making it at home, following these steps for putting the cheese in molds will still give you a delicious result.

Don’t miss out on experiencing this important step of shaping your own Cabrales cheese – it’s what gives the cheese not only its distinctive shape but also creates more surface area for better aging and enhanced flavor development.

But before we can enjoy that delicious aged flavor, we need to add salt – which acts as a critical flavouring agent to develop its final profile. So let’s dive right into our next step!

Add Salt to the Cheese – The Flavouring Agent

The secret to perfecting the flavour of your Cabrales cheese lies in a simple yet crucial step – adding salt. Salt acts as a flavouring agent, enhancing the taste of the cheese while also helping to preserve it.

To add salt to your Cabrales cheese, follow these three easy steps. First, remove the cheese from its mold and place it on a clean surface. Second, sprinkle coarse sea salt over the entire surface of the cheese, making sure to cover it evenly. Third, gently rub the salt into the surface of the cheese with your hands, creating a thin layer that will help to draw out moisture and intensify flavour.

But did you know that not all salts are created equal? While regular table salt can be used in a pinch, using high-quality sea salt can elevate your Cabrales cheese to new heights of deliciousness. Look for flaky artisanal sea salts that will add texture and a subtle hint of brininess to your cheese.

Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types and amounts of salt until you find the perfect balance for your palate.

Ready to take your Cabrales cheese game up a notch? In our next step, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about aging this delectable Spanish blue cheese to perfection.

Age Your Cabrales Cheese to Perfection

As a cheese lover and avid home cheese maker, I know that the art of cheese making doesn’t end once the cheese is made. Aging your cheese to perfection is equally important in creating a rich, distinctive flavor. In this section, we’ll explore the age-old technique of aging Cabrales cheese to bring out its full flavor potential. We’ll break it down into two vital elements – the ideal environment and the waiting time. First, we’ll dive into the perfect cave-like environment for Cabrales cheese aging. Then, we’ll discuss the recommended minimum aging duration, which is crucial for achieving the final flavor profile. So, let’s explore how to age your Cabrales cheese to perfection!

Age Your Cabrales Cheese to Perfection-How to Make Cabrales Cheese,

Image credits: by David Arnold

Place Your Cheese in a Cave – The Ideal Environment

When it comes to aging Cabrales cheese, one of the most crucial factors is the environment in which it is stored. And that ideal environment is none other than a cave – just like how traditional Cabrales cheese was produced.

To give you a better understanding of why caves are perfect for aging cheese, here’s a table showing the benefits:

Benefit Reason
Constant temperature and humidity Caves have a stable temperature range of 10-14°C and humidity level of 90%. These conditions allow the mold spores to develop properly, resulting in an optimal flavor and texture.
Natural air circulation Airflow is essential for maturing cheese. Ideally, you want your cheese to breathe without drying out quickly. Caves provide this natural ventilation, so your cheese can ripen with ease.

Apart from these benefits, caves also house various microbes that contribute to the growth and development of mold in Cabrales cheese.

According to The Oxford Companion to Cheese:Making traditional Cabrales requires utilizing caves as part of the process since it ensures consistent cool temperatures and high humidity levels year-round.”

Fun fact: Most aging rooms for contemporary production mimic natural caves by regulating temperature, airflow, and humidity levels.

And now that we know where to store our Cabrales cheese let’s talk about how long we should wait until we can enjoy it fully! But before diving in, let me warn you – patience is vital when it comes to aging cheese 😉

Age Your Cheese for at Least 4 Months – The Waiting Time

To make the perfect Cabrales cheese, it’s imperative that you age it for at least four months. The aging process is referred to as the waiting time and can make all the difference in the final taste of your homemade cheese.

  1. Step one in the waiting time process is to wrap your cheese in a damp cheesecloth, then store it in a dark room with high humidity. This will create an ideal environment for the mold to grow and flavor to develop.
  2. Step two is where patience comes into play. You’ll need to wait at least four months before tasting your cheese, allowing enough time for it to mature and fully develop its distinctive blue-green veins. Some Cheese makers even wait up to six months!
  3. After about four months have passed, check on your cheese every so often to see how it’s progressing. Once you’re happy with the taste and texture, remove it from storage and wrap it in wax paper or aluminum foil before storing it in your refrigerator.

Aging Cabrales Cheese for at least four months allows ample time for molds to grow and develop their signature flavors. Particular Penicillum roqueforti strains are responsible for producing blue-green Veins on this type of cheese when aging is done right.

As per, “Roqueforti grows well between 55°F (13° C) and 68°F (20° C), so use cheeses with different aging timelines stored at those temperatures.” As a result, you can experiment with different temperatures since they help age white-chalky exterior molds into more robust colonies that break down curd fibers.

The best part of making my Cabrales Cheese? Savoring each bite while enjoying a cool glass of Chardonnay – Pure Bliss!

Savor Your Homemade Cabrales Cheese

As someone who has made homemade Cabrales cheese before, I can attest to the satisfaction that comes from savoring a perfectly aged wedge of this famous Spanish blue cheese. In this part of the article, we will explore two different aspects of enjoying your homemade Cabrales cheese.

The first bite is always a momentous occasion, and we will discuss the proper technique for slicing the cheese to fully appreciate its texture and flavor. Then, we will move on to pairing your Cabrales cheese with other foods and beverages to create a truly memorable taste experience. Whether you prefer bread or crackers, red or white wine, we will give you some great pairing suggestions to elevate your cheese board game.

Savor Your Homemade Cabrales Cheese-How to Make Cabrales Cheese,

Image credits: by Harry Washington

Slice the Cheese – The First Bite

Slice the Cheese – The First Bite is the moment of truth for cheese lovers. It’s when all your hard work in making homemade Cabrales cheese pays off as the knife cuts through and reveals the complex flavors and textures within.

To fully savor this moment, follow these six steps:

  1. Step 1: Choose a sharp knife that can easily slice through the tough rind of the cheese without breaking it.
  2. Step 2: Allow the Cabrales cheese to reach room temperature so that it softens slightly and becomes more flavorful.
  3. Step 3: Cut a small sliver off the end, just enough to taste. This will help you assess the intensity of flavor and texture.
  4. Step 4: Take a deep breath and inhale the pungent aroma, which will give you clues about what to expect from your first bite.
  5. Step 5: Place a small piece on your tongue and allow it to melt, releasing all its rich and complex flavors.
  6. Step 6: savor it slowly, allowing each bite to reveal new notes of tangy blue cheese, nutty undertones, and creamy texture.

Cabrales cheese is a rare delicacy that comes from Asturias, Spain. It’s made with raw cow’s milk, sometimes blended with goat or sheep’s milk, then inoculated with mold spores from nearby caves. The cheese matures for at least two months in damp conditions where mold spores grow naturally on its surface. This fermentation process gives Cabrales its strong flavor and pungent aroma.

To enhance your experience further, pair Cabrales cheese with other bold flavors like cured meats or olives. If wine is your preference, choose reds like Syrah or Malbec that can stand up to its intensity. Alternatively, try serving it alongside sweet fruits such as apples or figs to balance out its saltiness.

Serve the Cheese with Bread and Wine – The Perfect Pairing

When enjoying a homemade Cabrales cheese, there is no better way to serve it than with bread and wine – the perfect pairing. The flavors of the cheese, bread, and wine complement each other in an ideal way that elevates the tasting experience.

Firstly, serving the cheese with bread provides a neutral base that allows the flavors of the cheese to shine. The texture and flavor of crusty bread provide a contrasting yet harmonious element to the soft and pungent cheese. Additionally, different types of bread can offer unique flavor profiles that pair exceptionally well with specific cheeses.

Secondly, adding wine to your cheeseboard creates an unparalleled level of sophistication. Wine serves as a palate cleanser between bites and enhances the overall tasting experience. Different wines pair well with different types of cheese, so experimenting with various combinations can lead to discovering new favorites.

When selecting a wine to pair with your Cabrales cheese, consider the acidity level and age of both the cheese and wine. Light-bodied whites with high acidity pair well with bolder cheeses like Cabrales. Aged reds have tannins that cut through rich cheeses for a satisfying balance.

Pro-tip: To take your pairing game up a notch, try using honey or nuts as additional accompaniments. These flavorful ingredients add another layer of complexity to each bite.

Five Facts About How To Make Cabrales Cheese:

  • ✅ Cabrales cheese is a blue cheese made in the Asturias region of northern Spain. (Source: The Spruce Eats)
  • ✅ Cabrales cheese is made from cow’s, goat’s, and sheep’s milk, and must meet strict regulations to be labeled as Cabrales. (Source:
  • ✅ Cabrales cheese makers use natural caves and a unique aging process to create the distinct flavor and texture of the cheese. (Source: Culture Cheese Magazine)
  • ✅ The cheese is known for its intense flavor and aroma, with a sharp and slightly acidic taste and a crumbly texture. (Source: Food Republic)
  • ✅ Cabrales cheese is often paired with crusty bread, fruit, and even honey or chocolate for a sweet contrast to the strong cheese. (Source: Spain Info)

FAQs about How To Make Cabrales Cheese

What is Cabrales Cheese?

A Cabrales Cheese is a blue cheese made in the Asturias region in northern Spain. This cheese has a strong and sharp flavor, and is often used in traditional Spanish dishes like the popular Asturian cider.

What are the Ingredients Needed to Make Cabrales Cheese?

The ingredients needed to make Cabrales Cheese include cow’s milk, goat’s milk, and sheep’s milk, rennet, mold spores, and salt.

How is Cabrales Cheese Made?

To make Cabrales Cheese, first, the milk is heated and then rennet is added to coagulate the milk. After that, the curds are cut and drained before being shaped into molds. Mold spores are added to the cheese and it is aged for around 3 months.

Where Can I Get Mold Spores for Making Cabrales Cheese?

Mold spores for making Cabrales cheese can be obtained from specialty cheese-making supply stores, online cheese-making ingredient retailers, or by using mold spores from natural sources such as blue cheese or other mold-ripened cheeses as a starter culture, following proper hygiene and safety measures to ensure food safety and quality.

Can I Make Cabrales Cheese at Home?

Yes, you can make Cabrales Cheese at home if you have the necessary ingredients and equipment. However, it is a complex process and may require some practice before achieving the desired result.

How Should Cabrales Cheese be Stored?

Cabrales Cheese should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature between 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit. It should be wrapped in wax paper or cheese paper to prevent it from drying out.

The post How To Make Cabrales Cheese appeared first on Perfect Cheese Maker: Your Online Resource for Cheese Making.


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