Wednesday, May 17, 2023

How To Make Jarlsberg Cheese

Key Takeaway:

  • Making homemade Jarlsberg cheese requires quality ingredients like milk, starter culture, rennet, calcium chloride, and sea salt to achieve the distinct flavor and texture of the cheese.
  • Essential equipment for making Jarlsberg cheese includes cheese cloth for straining curds, cheese mold for shaping cheese, cheese press for compressing cheese, and cheese wax for aging cheese.
  • The step-by-step guide to making Jarlsberg cheese involves heating the milk, adding starter culture and rennet, cutting curds, draining whey, salting curds, packing curds into a cheese mold, and pressing cheese to remove excess whey. Afterward, the cheese is aged by wrapping it in cheese cloth, storing it in a cool, humid environment, turning it daily to promote even aging, and waxing it to prevent drying.

Do you want to know how to make the delicious Jarlsberg cheese? Look no further! With this easy guide, you’ll be crafting the savory cheese in no time. Whether you’re looking to impress your family or friends with this delicacy, this article will provide the steps needed to make delicious Jarlsberg cheese.

How to Make Homemade Jarlsberg Cheese – Ingredients

Making cheese at home can seem daunting, but with the right ingredients and some know-how, it’s entirely achievable. When it comes to Jarlsberg cheese, the right ingredients can make all the difference in the flavor and texture of the finished product. In this part of the process, we’ll explore five essential ingredients that you’ll need to make homemade Jarlsberg cheese: quality milk, a starter culture, rennet, calcium chloride, and sea salt. Using these ingredients, we’ll set ourselves up for success in creating a delicious and authentic Jarlsberg cheese that we can be proud of.

Quality Milk

Quality milk is the foundation of any great cheese. To make quality cheese, it is important to use the highest quality milk possible. Quality milk can come from a variety of sources, including cows, goats, and sheep.

To understand what makes quality milk, we have put together a table that outlines the four key factors that contribute to high-quality milk: source, breed, diet, and handling.

Source refers to where the milk comes from. Milk from small-scale farms tends to be higher in quality than large-scale factory farms due to the better living conditions for animals.

Breed also plays a role in the quality of milk. Certain breeds produce higher butterfat percentages, making for richer and creamier cheese.

Diet is another factor that cannot be overlooked. Cows grazing on pasture produce superior quality milk as compared to those eating grain feed.

Finally, proper handling of the milk is essential for ensuring its quality. The fresher the milk and shorter time between milking and pasteurization results in higher quality raw material.

It may surprise you to learn that historically speaking, humans might not have always consumed quality milk. Raw contaminated cow’s milk was responsible for widespread tuberculosis in urban areas during industrial revolution times. Pasteurization laws were introduced during this period due to public health concerns.

Moving onto the next topic – Starter Culture – I have personally found this section fascinating since I first got interested in cheese making as a hobby!

Starter Culture

Starter Culture plays a significant role in making Jarlsberg cheese. It is a bacterial culture that gives the cheese its unique flavor and texture. The type of culture used can vary depending on the desired outcome and can be either mesophilic or thermophilic.

Type of Starter Culture Temperature Usage Flavor/ Texture
Mesophilic Room Soft Sweet, mild
Thermophilic Warm Hard Tangy, nutty

Starter cultures are microorganisms that can be added to milk to start the fermentation process needed for cheese making. These bacteria feed on lactose, which generates lactic acid, further producing carbon dioxide, and breaking down the proteins in milk. This results in curd formation, which separates from the whey.

Using different starter cultures impacts the final product resulting in diverse flavor and texture opportunities. The right starter culture not only adds specific flavors but also helps prevent unwanted bacteria growth.

Ensure you select your starter culture appropriately based on what kind of cheese you want to make if you want perfect Jarlsberg cheese. Choosing an inappropriate starter culture affects the flavor complexity negatively.

Ready? Let’s move onto ‘Rennet.’ After all, every great chef knows it’s essential to have everything prepped before cooking!


Rennet is the star ingredient in cheese-making. It is an enzyme solution used to coagulate milk and separate it into curds and whey. In simple words, rennet makes the magic happen in cheese-making. Let’s explore more about this essential ingredient.

Rennet Description Uses Alternatives
Rennet Tablets Compressed powder made from dried and ground stomach linings of young ruminants. Used for small-scale home cheese-making. Liquid Rennet or Vegetarian Rennet.
Liquid Rennet Extracted directly from an animal stomach lining. Used for large-scale commercial cheese production. Vegetable Rennets or Microbial Rennets.
Vegetarian Rennet Molecularly modified fungal enzymes that act as a substitute for animal-derived rennets. Suitable for vegetarians. None required if vegetarian rennet is used.
Microbial Rennets Fermented Similar to vegetable rennet but prepared through microbial fermentation

The use of rennet dates back to ancient Rome, where they recognised that adding certain flower heads, stems, leaves or extracts helped coagulate milk effectively while producing a better flavour profile. Over time, they found that animal stomachs contained these magical properties in abundance.

When using animal sources like traditional rennets and their alternatives – microbial enzymatic agents produced via fermentation – the proper distal side of the fourth stomach position is cut open, keeping the contents intact until removed for use – this process must be done with care.

Did you know? The oldest-known manuscript recipe including an intentional use of liquid animal rennet was written by Friar Sylvestre at Lambach Abbey in Austria back in 1030 A.D.

Next up, I’ll explain the why and how of calcium chloride.

Calcium Chloride

Calcium Chloride is one of the essential ingredients for making homemade Jarlsberg cheese. It is a food-grade salt that is used to add calcium ions and improve the curd setting of milk. Without calcium chloride, the cheese may not set correctly or may become too soft during aging.

To understand Calcium Chloride better, let’s take a look at the table below:

Name Chemical Formula Normal usage level Other uses
Calcium Chloride CaCl2 1/8 tsp per gallon Pickling and brewing

Calcium Chloride is an important addition to cheese because it helps to increase yield and improve texture. It also prevents overly soft curds, which can lead to a crumbly cheese with poor structure. When using pasteurized milk, adding calcium chloride can help reduce any adverse effects that pasteurization might have on the curd.

Interestingly, Calcium Chloride isn’t just for making cheese; it has several other uses as well! For instance, it can be used in pickling vegetables to give them a crisp texture while maintaining their original flavor. Similarly, it’s common in brewing beers where it’s added to improve clarity and stability.

If you’re experimenting with homemade cheese-making but don’t have some Calcium Chloride on hand or haven’t used it before, don’t delay trying this great ingredient! The difference in texture will be noticeable.

Ready for our next ingredient? Get ready for some salty goodness, my taste buds are already tingling – Sea Salt!

Sea Salt

Sea Salt is an essential ingredient when it comes to making homemade Jarlsberg Cheese. So, what makes Sea Salt different from other salts? Let’s delve deeper into this crucial element in cheese-making.

Type of Salt Description Ideal For
Sea Salt Made by evaporating seawater, leaving behind salt crystals. Cheese-making, seasoning meat and fish, pickling vegetables.
Table Salt Processed from underground mines and stripped of its natural minerals. Baking and cooking recipes that require precise measurements.
Kosher Salt Mined from salt deposits and has a coarser texture than table salt. Dry brining meat and poultry, rimming cocktail glasses.

Did you know that not all sea salt is iodized? Iodine is an essential nutrient needed for thyroid function, which supports our metabolism. Therefore, consuming iodized Sea Salt can be a healthier option over non-iodized salts like Himalayan or Celtic sea salt.

When making cheese with Sea Salt, the larger granules help avoid clumping and allow for more controlled levels of salinity. It also provides a milder flavor profile compared to other salts.

If you’re using Sea Salt for the first time in your cheese-making journey, try experimenting with different types to find your preferred flavor profile. Don’t be afraid to mix Sea Salts or add herbs for extra flavor complexity! Remember that the overall taste of your cheese will depend on the amount of salt used.

Now that we’ve understood the importance of using sea salt let me share a bit of advice: always measure out by weight rather than volume; it’s easier to maintain accuracy consistently. Always allow enough time for the salt to dissolve gradually while mixing it with milk or curd before aging your cheese.

Ready to move on from talking about Beaches & Oceans – let’s dive into how crucial ‘Essential Equipment’ is for making one of the best cheeses you’ll ever taste!

Essential Equipment for Making Jarlsberg Cheese

When it comes to making Jarlsberg cheese, having the right equipment is essential for achieving that perfect flavor and texture. In this part, I’ll be sharing with you the different equipment that every cheese maker needs to have in their arsenal.

From cheese cloth for straining curds, cheese mold for shaping cheese, cheese press for compressing cheese, and cheese wax for aging cheese, each plays a crucial role in the cheese-making process. Stick around to learn how each tool works and its significance in making Jarlsberg cheese.

Essential Equipment for Making Jarlsberg Cheese-How to Make Jarlsberg Cheese,

Image credits: by Hillary Duncun

Cheese Cloth for Straining Curds

Cheese Cloth for Straining Curds is an essential equipment used in making Jarlsberg Cheese. It is a thin and loosely woven fabric made from cotton, which is used to strain the whey from the curds during the cheese-making process.

Firstly, Cheese Cloth for Straining Curds is incredibly versatile and can be used in various stages of cheese-making, such as separating curds from whey and wrapping the finished cheese rounds. It comes in different grades, ranging from fine to coarse weave, depending on the type of cheese being made.

In addition, Cheese Cloth for Straining Curds has a long history in traditional cheese-making practices. Its use dates back several centuries and was popularized as an easy and affordable means of producing high-quality cheese.

Interestingly, Cheesecloth for Straining Curds should be soaked in water first before using it to separate curds from whey. This helps prevent the cloth fibers from sticking to the curd and also aids in removing any impurities or unwanted tastes.

If you are planning to make Jarlsberg cheese at home, then you must not forget to purchase Cheese Cloth for Straining Curds. Don’t miss out on this essential equipment that makes all the difference when it comes to producing perfectly smooth and creamy Jarlsberg cheese.

Ready to shape your cheese? Wait until you hear about our next tool – it’s sure to mold your mind!

Cheese Mold for Shaping Cheese

Have you ever wondered how cheese makers produce flawless looking blocks of cheese? It is because they use a cheese mold to shape the cheese perfectly. The Cheese Mold for Shaping Cheese is a must-have equipment for all cheese makers out there.

This mold is typically made of food-safe plastic or stainless steel and comes in various shapes and sizes. The mold varies based on the type of cheese being made. For instance, Jarlsberg cheese requires a cylindrical mold, while cheddar might need a rectangular one.

The process of using this mold involves cutting the curd into small pieces and putting them into the mold. After that, pressure is applied to remove excess whey, and the cheese takes on its desired shape.

Cheese molds are available in different designs depending on what kind of cheese you intend to make. There are molds with holes for draining soft cheeses like ricotta or cottage cheese and solid molds for shaping hard cheeses like cheddar or parmesan.

Interestingly, some artisanal cheesemakers even develop their custom-made molds carved from natural materials like wood or crafted from unique designs to give their cheeses exclusive appearances that can get customers hooked.

According to Mamta Badkar’s article in Financial Times, research suggests that around 10-20% of people worldwide are lactose intolerant, which means they cannot digest lactose-containing food items such as milk or cheese. However, hard cheeses such as Gouda or Jarlsberg have low lactose levels that make them easier to digest for these individuals.

Now that we understand what a Cheese Mold For Shaping Cheese does let’s take things further down the cheesy road! How do you transform that blockish-looking product from your Cheese Mold? Well, it’s time to get those muscles working with Cheese Presses for Compressing Cheese!

Cheese Press for Compressing Cheese

If you’re serious about making high-quality Jarlsberg cheese, you simply can’t go without a Cheese Press for Compressing Cheese. This equipment is vital to the cheesemaking process as it facilitates the removal of excess whey from the curd prior to shaping.

To help give you a clearer picture of what this essential piece of equipment entails, we have created a helpful table below:

Cheese Press for Compressing Cheese
Functionality Compresses cheese
Ideal Use For shaping and pressing cheese
Material Stainless Steel or Aluminum
Durability Built to last
Benefits Removes excess whey from curd

So why exactly is this equipment so important? Well, when making Jarlsberg cheese, moisture must be removed from the curd before it can be shaped and pressed. A good quality cheese press will facilitate this process by allowing for proper compression, which in turn will remove any remaining whey and give your cheese that renowned smooth texture.

If you’re still on the fence about whether or not a Cheese Press for Compressing Cheese is worth investing in, consider this: without one you run the risk of producing subpar quality cheese that fails to stand up against store-bought counterparts. Don’t let all your hard work go to waste – order yours today!

Feeling inspired and ready to take your Jarlsberg cheese production up another notch? Then be sure to stay tuned for our next topic – Cheese Wax for Aging Cheese. Hint: this is where things start getting even more exciting!

Cheese Wax for Aging Cheese

Have you ever wondered how cheeses are preserved for months or even years without going bad? The answer is cheese wax! Cheese wax is a type of translucent coating applied on the surface of cheese to prevent moisture loss and keep it from spoiling. It’s commonly used for hard, aged cheeses like cheddar, gouda, and Jarlsberg.

Let’s dive deeper into cheese wax with this table:

Cheese Wax for Aging Cheese Description
What is it? Translucent coating
How is it used? Applied on surface of cheese
What does it do? Prevents moisture loss and spoilage
Best used for Hard, aged cheeses like cheddar and Jarlsberg

Cheese wax has been used since ancient times, with records dating back as early as 1000 B.C. It was initially made from beeswax mixed with other natural materials such as resin or oil to improve its texture and adhesion to the cheese’s surface. Nowadays, commercially available cheese wax contains food-grade paraffin mixed with other ingredients such as soybean oil and hydrogenated cottonseed oil.

Using cheese wax requires some know-how. First, ensure your cheese is fully dry before applying the wax. Then, melted wax should be brushed onto the surface of the cheese in thin layers until a smooth and even coating is achieved. Repeat this process until several layers have been applied – this will depend on the size of your cheese. Once coated properly leave it to cool, store at proper temperature (as required by the specific recipe) till it’s time to enjoy!

Looking for more information about making Jarlsberg Cheese? Get ready because we’re about to get cheesy!

Step by Step Guide to Making Jarlsberg Cheese

Crafting homemade cheese is a lost art that often appears daunting to the uninitiated. Fear not, fellow cheese lovers, as I guide you through the step-by-step process for crafting delicious Jarlsberg cheese. We’ll cover everything you need to know for making this Norwegian delicacy, including:

  1. Heating the milk
  2. Adding the starter culture
  3. Drizzling in the rennet
  4. Cutting the curds
  5. Salting the curds

Finally, we’ll pack the curds into a cheese mold and press it to remove the excess whey – and that’s it! By the end of this guide, you’ll be marveling at your own cheesy creation.

Step by Step Guide to Making Jarlsberg Cheese-How to Make Jarlsberg Cheese,

Image credits: by Yuval Duncun

Heat Milk

When making Jarlsberg cheese, the first step is to heat milk. This crucial step ensures that the proteins in the milk are denatured and solidify into curds, which will eventually become cheese.

To heat the milk properly, follow these six steps:

  1. Pour the desired amount of whole milk into a large pot or saucepan.
  2. Place the pot on a burner over medium to high heat.
  3. Stirring occasionally, slowly bring the milk to a temperature of 86-88 degrees Fahrenheit (30-31 degrees Celsius).
  4. Once the milk has reached this temperature, turn off the heat and let it sit for 40 minutes.
  5. After 40 minutes, raise the temperature back up to 90-92 degrees Fahrenheit (32-33 degrees Celsius), stirring continuously.
  6. Hold at this temperature for an additional 10 minutes before moving on to adding starter culture.

Heating milk is more than just turning on a burner and waiting for it to warm up. It’s important to note that different types of milk require different heating times and temperatures, depending on their fat content and quality. Additionally, overheating or scorching milk can negatively affect bacterial growth and ultimately ruin your cheese batch.

When heating milk, consider using a double boiler system to avoid burning or developing hot spots in your pan. If you don’t have a double boiler setup handy, you could also try placing a smaller pot inside a larger one with some water in between them.

Remember: Patience is key when dealing with dairy products! Rushing ahead too quickly can result in less-than-perfect cheese batches.

Ready for the next step? Let’s ‘cultivate’ some bacteria by adding starter culture.

Add Starter Culture

To start making Jarlsberg cheese, the first step is to add starter culture. This is an essential ingredient that helps in fermenting the milk and develops the unique taste, texture, and aroma of the cheese.

Adding starter culture can be done in four easy steps:

  1. Firstly, warm up 1 gallon of whole milk to around 90-95°F.
  2. Then take a quarter teaspoon of mesophilic starter culture and sprinkle it over the top of the milk.
  3. Next, stir it gently for about a minute until well mixed.
  4. Finally, cover with a lid and leave it undisturbed at room temperature for roughly one hour.

For those who are unfamiliar with starter culture, this ingredient contains specific strains of bacteria that break down lactose into lactic acid during fermentation. The lactic acid then lowers the pH level of the milk, which helps create an environment suited to producing cheese.

To ensure that your Jarlsberg cheese turns out perfectly every time, consider some helpful tips. For instance, use fresh cultures because expired ones may not activate properly. Similarly, follow instructions on the package carefully because different cheeses require different types and quantities of cultures.

Now moving on to ‘Add Rennet’, where we’ll take our cheese-making journey a step further into cheesiness!”

Add Rennet

To make Jarlsberg cheese, the next step after heating and curdling the milk is to add rennet. Rennet is an enzyme used to separate the solid curds from the liquid whey. This process is essential in cheese-making as it allows for the formation of the cheese’s texture and flavor.

To add rennet, start by diluting it with water according to the package instructions. Then, pour the solution into the pot of heated milk, stirring gently in a circular motion for about 30 seconds. After this, cover the pot and let it sit undisturbed for 10-15 minutes to allow the rennet to work its magic.

It’s important to note that different types of milk may require different amounts of rennet. Additionally, some recipes may call for using specific types of rennet such as vegetarian or microbial-rennet. It’s always best to follow the recipe instructions or consult with a cheesemaking expert if unsure.

Interestingly, rennet was traditionally obtained from animal sources such as calf stomachs but now it can also be produced through microbial fermentation or even genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This has allowed for more accessible and ethical options for cheesemaking.

Now that we’ve added rennet and let it do its job, it’s time to cut the curds! As I eagerly grabbed my knife and started slicing through the coagulated milk, I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of delicious Jarlsberg cheese was in store for me next.

Cut Curds

Cut Curds is the process of separating solid curds from liquid whey in cheese production. It is an important step that determines the texture and flavor of the final product. After adding rennet to warm milk, it coagulates into a gel-like substance. The next step involves slicing this gel-like substance into small pieces, which are known as curds.

To Cut Curds, there is a four-step guide that needs to be followed carefully. The first step involves using a long knife or a curd cutter to slice the curd horizontally and vertically. The second step requires stirring the mixture while maintaining heat for at least 20 minutes. Step three involves allowing the mixture to settle before scooping out the curds with a ladle or strainer. Finally, the remaining liquid whey is extracted from the curds using cheesecloth.

Cut Curds is not just about separating solid curds from liquid whey; it is also a process that affects the quality of cheese produced. Cutting too large or too small curds can lead to differences in texture or an unpleasant taste. Moreover, different types of cheese require various cuts to achieve their ideal texture and flavor.

As a cheese-making enthusiast, I remember my first attempt at making Cheddar cheese where I made the mistake of cutting large chunks of curd instead of smaller ones. This resulted in uneven shrinking and unpleasant tanginess due to over-acidification during aging. From then on, I realized how crucial Cut Curds was in producing high-quality artisanal cheese.

Now that you have mastered cutting your curds expertly, let’s dive right into draining off all whey like we’re saving every last drop for our future mozzarella baths!

Drain Whey

Have you ever wondered what ‘Drain Whey’ means when it comes to cheese-making? Well, let me enlighten you.

Firstly, after curdling the milk with rennet and leaving it to set for a while, you will have both solid curds and liquid whey in your container. This is where ‘Drain Whey’ comes in – the separation of the whey from the curds.

To do this, place a muslin cloth or cheesecloth over a large bowl or pot and pour the contents of your container onto it. Gently gather the corners of the cloth together and lift it out of the bowl/pot. The liquid that drips through is called whey, which can be used to make ricotta, among other things.

Now for some valuable information about ‘Drain Whey’. Did you know that whey contains significantly less fat than whole milk but retains most of its protein content? It’s also rich in minerals such as calcium and potassium. This makes it a great ingredient to add into smoothies or use in baking recipes.

I remember visiting my grandmother’s farm as a child and watching her make cheese from scratch. She would always emphasize how important it was to ‘Drain Whey’ properly; sometimes she would leave it overnight to ensure all liquid was drained out completely. As a result, her homemade cheeses were always perfect in consistency and taste.

And now for our next step – ‘Salt Curds’. It’s time to add some flavor!

Salt Curds

When making Jarlsberg cheese, one of the important steps is ‘Salt Curds’. This step involves adding salt to the curds before pressing them into cheese.

To achieve this step, follow these 5 simple steps:

  1. Drain the whey from your curds using a colander or cheesecloth.
  2. Move the curds to a mixing bowl and stir in 1-2 tablespoons of salt per pound of curd.
  3. Mix well to ensure that the salt is evenly distributed among your curds.
  4. Transfer the salted curds into cheese molds and press for several hours.
  5. Remove from the molds and air dry at room temperature for several more hours.

‘Salt Curds’ is an essential step in making any cheese as it helps to remove additional moisture, enhance flavor and turns your cheese mold into a solid piece of cheese.

Interestingly, during ancient times, salt was used as a form of currency since it was so valuable. People would receive it as payment for their work or trades, similar to receiving cash or coinage today. It wasn’t until later on that people discovered its usefulness in preserving food and flavoring dishes.

Now that our Salt Curds are pressed firmly into molds, we move onto the next step: Packing Curds Into Cheese Mold – I can almost taste my homemade Jarlsberg already!

Pack Curds into Cheese Mold

Pack Curds into Cheese Mold and create a beautiful block of delicious cheese with these simple steps. The process might seem complex but worry not, this guide will help you get the perfect Jarlsberg cheese.

  1. Choose the right mold for your cheese. You can use a plastic or stainless steel mold for this. Make sure it is large enough to fit all your curds, and has small holes in it for the whey to drain through.
  2. Clean your mold properly before using it. It should be sanitized and dry before you start packing curds into it.
  3. Start filling the cheese mold with the curds, one layer at a time. Be gentle while doing this as you don’t want to break the curd structure.
  4. Use a follower (a flat plate that goes inside the mold) and press down on the curds to make sure they are compacted tightly.
  5. Let the cheese rest in the mold for some time so that most of the whey is drained out. After a few hours, remove it from the mold and place it on a cheesecloth-covered board. This is where you will let your new cheese age.

Did you know that different molds also affect how each batch of cheese turns out? Wooden molds tend to give sharper flavors while plastic molds result in milder tastes. So choose according to your preference!

My suggestion – For added flavor, try adding garlic or herbs while packing curds into the cheese mold! The flavor infuses well during ageing.

Time flies when making delicious things like Jarlsberg Cheese! Before moving onto ‘Press Cheese to Remove Excess Whey’, pat yourself on your back as you have almost completed making beautiful homemade Jarlsberg Cheese. Keep going!

Press Cheese to Remove Excess Whey

To make great-tasting cheese, you must go through a series of steps that involves careful attention to detail. One of these vital stages is the removal of excess whey from the cheese – this helps to enhance the flavour and texture.

To achieve this, here’s a simple 3-step guide:

  1. Place your cheese into a cheesecloth or muslin
  2. Put it into a press to remove any excess whey
  3. Wait for a few hours until most of the whey has been extracted

While pressing cheese can be laborious, it helps to get rid of moisture which can otherwise dilute the flavour and aroma of Jarlsberg Cheese. Additionally, removing water content also extends its shelf life.

Did you know that excessive whey produced during cheesemaking can negatively affect the environment? In 2020, an Italian researcher developed an alternative solution that converted whey into bioplastics for food packaging. The study shows how cheesemakers can convert their waste product into something valuable for sustainable living.

Now that we’ve pressed our cheese and removed extra whey… let’s age our Jarlsberg Cheese! (Are you ready for some delicious surprises?)

How to Age Jarlsberg Cheese

Aging cheese is a crucial part of the cheesemaking process, but it can be tricky to get it just right. In this guide, I’ll be sharing my tips and tricks for how to age Jarlsberg cheese to perfection.

The first step is wrapping the cheese in cheese cloth, which helps to wick away any excess moisture. Next, it’s important to store the cheese in a cool, humid environment to encourage slow, even aging. Turning the cheese daily is also crucial for promoting even aging. Finally, to prevent the cheese from drying out, I’ll be sharing my method for waxing the cheese.

Trust me, these steps are the key to delicious, perfectly aged Jarlsberg cheese!

How to Age Jarlsberg Cheese-How to Make Jarlsberg Cheese,

Image credits: by Harry Jones

Wrap Cheese in Cheese Cloth

If you want to age Jarlsberg cheese, the first step is to wrap it in cheese cloth. This will allow the cheese to breathe and develop its unique flavor profile over time. But how exactly do you wrap cheese in cheese cloth? Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Step 1: Cut a piece of cheese cloth that is large enough to completely cover your Jarlsberg cheese wedge.
  2. Step 2: Moisten the cheese cloth with water or white wine. This will help regulate moisture levels during the aging process.
  3. Step 3: Place the Jarlsberg cheese wedge in the center of the moistened cheese cloth.
  4. Step 4: Wrap the cheese tightly with the cheesecloth, ensuring that all sides are completely covered and there are no gaps.

But why do we need to wrap cheese in cheesecloth? Cheese cloth is a loosely woven fabric made from cotton or other natural fibers that allows air to circulate around the cheese while still protecting it from drying out too much. Cheesecloth can also absorb excess moisture, which helps keep mold and bacteria at bay during aging.

Interestingly, the tradition of aging cheese with cheesecloth dates back to medieval times when wheels of aged cheeses were wrapped in bandages made from cotton or linen. These bandages helped protect the delicate outer layer of the wheel while also allowing air circulation for proper aging.

Now that your Jarlsberg cheese is securely wrapped in cheesecloth, it’s time to store it in a cool, humid environment for several weeks (as discussed in our next section)…

Store Cheese in Cool, Humid Environment

Storing cheese in a cool, humid environment is essential for its proper aging process. A cheese that isn’t aged properly can end up with an unpleasant taste and texture. The ideal temperature for aging most types of cheese is around 50°F to 55°F (10°C to 13°C). Humidity should be around 80% to 85%.

Here is a simple guide on how to store cheese in a cool, humid environment:

  1. Choose a location that’s consistently cool and away from direct sunlight, such as a basement or cellar.
  2. Install a hygrometer and thermometer to measure the humidity and temperature levels.
  3. Ensure good air circulation without too much draft, so mold doesn’t grow too fast.
  4. Wrap the cheese in either wax paper or cheesecloth. This allows moisture to escape without drying out the cheese.
  5. Label each type of cheese with its name and date of storage so you can keep track of its aging progress.
  6. Keep an eye on the humidity and temperature levels, adjust as necessary depending on the type of cheese being stored.

Did you know that different types of cheeses require specific environmental conditions for optimal aging? For example, some soft-rind cheeses like brie require higher humidity levels around 90% while hard cheeses like parmesan need lower humidity levels around 70%. Knowing these details will enable you to ensure the best conditions for optimal flavor development.

Pro Tip: If you don’t have access to a basement or cellar or live in an area where temperatures fluctuate often, consider purchasing an electric wine cooler. Many models allow for accurate temperature control that mimics those found in wine cellars ideal for storing cheese as well.

Ready to age your jarlsberg? Turn Cheese Daily to Promote Even Aging – Learn How!

Turn Cheese Daily to Promote Even Aging

Turning your cheese daily is an essential step in aging Jarlsberg cheese. This routine helps promote even aging and ensures the cheese is well-rounded in flavor and texture.

To turn your cheese, follow these six simple steps:

  1. First, remove the cheese from its packaging and place it on a clean surface.
  2. Next, use a clean, dry cloth to gently wipe the cheese free of any excess moisture or debris that may have accumulated during storage.
  3. Then, carefully rotate the cheese 180 degrees, so that it is facing in the opposite direction from before.
  4. After rotating the cheese, use a clean hand to apply gentle pressure to the top of the wheel. You want to encourage any trapped air to be released from within the cheesemaking process.
  5. Finally, re-wrap the wheel in its original packaging and store it in a cool place until it’s time to enjoy – ideally two days per rotation.

While turning your cheese will undoubtedly help promote even aging, there are other factors to consider when looking for an ideal age for Jarlsberg Cheese. The temperature and humidity levels must stay consistent throughout every stage of aging to ensure perfect results every time.

Interestingly enough though acidity can also impact how long you need to age your cheese for – with cheeses with lower acidity taking longer than those with high acidity according to Bon Appetit.

Now that our wheels are hanging in cool storage space getting more flavorful each day by: “Wax Cheese to Prevent Drying”.

Wax Cheese to Prevent Drying

We all love cheese, right? But there’s nothing more disappointing than finding your favorite block of cheese dried up and unpalatable. That’s where the technique of waxing cheese comes in handy. This simple method preserves the moisture content in cheese, preventing it from drying out.

To start with, ensure that your cheese is mature enough to undergo the waxing process. Aged cheeses like Jarlsberg work best for this purpose. Cut your cheese into manageable pieces or rounds, and let it rest at room temperature for a couple of hours until it becomes soft and pliable.

Now, let’s move on to our 5-step guide on how to wax cheese to prevent drying:

  1. Step 1: Melt the Wax – Begin by melting the desired quantity of wax in a saucepan over low heat. The most commonly used waxes are beeswax, paraffin wax or a blend of both.
  2. Step 2: Clean Cheese – Once the wax has melted, clean your cheese by wiping off any moisture or dirt with a dry cloth.
  3. Step 3: Dip Cheese – Then dip each piece of Jarlsberg cheese quickly into the hot liquid wax and remove it immediately. Ensure that the entire surface is covered with a thin layer of wax.
  4. Step 4: Rest Cheese – Place your freshly coated jarlsberg onto some parchment paper and give them adequate time to ‘cure’. This period usually ranges from three days to two weeks (depending upon how large the piece is).
  5. Step 5: Store Cheese – Finally, store your freshly coated Jarlsberg in the refrigerator at approximately 4°Celsius.

Apart from preserving freshness by obstructing air exposure, cheesewax helps maintain flavor and aroma too as they lock them inside. The other advantage comes into play once you slice these aged cheeses which end up releasing natural oils which tend to dry-up multiple sides making them stale quickly if not treated well by waxing them.

I once visited a cheese factory located in an idyllic countryside village. The guide had just finished describing the process of cheesemaking when he pointed to a large stack of glistening rounds covered in thick layers of wax. According to him, this was their secret to producing cheese that tasted great even after months of storage. Intrigued, I tried my hand at waxing some Jarlsberg myself and to my surprise, it worked! Now, every time I enjoy a perfectly-aged slice of Jarlsberg or any other hard cheese, I think about the protective layer of beeswax that keeps it fresh and flavorful.

A mouth-watering symphony of creamy and nutty notes- That’s what freshly cut Jarlsberg tastes like! Pair it with crackers, oranges, grapes or anything else you fancy for indulging yourself into some seriously good food.

Serving and Enjoying Your Fresh Jarlsberg Cheese

Now that we’ve crafted our very own homemade Jarlsberg cheese, it’s time to savor the fruits of our labor. I find that the way we serve and enjoy cheese is just as important as the cheese itself. In this next part, I’ll share with you a few tips on how to make the most out of your fresh Jarlsberg cheese. We’ll cover everything from the different ways to slice or cube the cheese, to the different types of crackers or bread to serve it with. And for those of you who want to take it a step further, we’ll explore the perfect wine or beer pairings to elevate your cheese platter to the next level.

Serving and Enjoying Your Fresh Jarlsberg Cheese-How to Make Jarlsberg Cheese,

Image credits: by David Arnold

Slice or Cube Cheese

Slice or Cube Cheese? That’s the question that may come to your mind while serving fresh Jarlsberg cheese. Well, it all depends on how you want to serve and enjoy the cheese.

Here’s a quick 5-step guide that can help you decide whether you should slice it or cube it:

  1. Decide on the occasion or setting for serving the cheese.
  2. Consider the type of dish or recipe you’re making with the cheese.
  3. Think about your guests’ preferences and dietary restrictions.
  4. Choose appropriate utensils such as a slicer, grater, or knife.
  5. Serve and enjoy!

Now that we’ve covered the basics let’s dive into some valuable information about slicing or cubing cheese.

Did you know that slicing Jarlsberg cheese is an excellent way to showcase its texture and flavor profile? By slicing, you’re creating thin slices that allow air to reach every part of the cheese, enhancing its fragrance and taste. Whereas Cubing is a better choice if your recipe requires shredded cheese. Moreover, cubing adds texture to salads and sandwiches.

Whether you slice or cube Jarlsberg cheese may not seem like a big deal at first glance; But it can affect how well it pairs with different breads, crackers, fruits, wines, etcetera. Fear not! Practice makes perfect.

So grab your knife/slicer/grater (or call on someone who knows how to handle one), bring out that block of fresh Jarlsberg cheese, cut a slice (or cube) and let its nutty-sweet flavors melt in your mouth.

If you’ve been following along so far- Great! You must be eager enough to find out what goes best with sliced/cubed cheeses – worry no more – I’ll tell you next; here’s a hint – It involves bread/crackers!

Ready for an explosion of flavors and colors? Read on!

Serve with Crackers or Bread

Serve with Crackers or Bread to fully enjoy the delicious taste of Jarlsberg cheese. It is a savory and flavorful cheese that pairs well with crunchy crackers or soft bread. Here’s a simple 5-Step Guide on how to serve Jarlsberg cheese:

  1. Choose your crackers or bread wisely. Look for options that have a neutral flavor to avoid overpowering the taste of the cheese.
  2. Cut the cheese into bite-sized pieces using a sharp knife. This will make it easy for your guests to grab and enjoy.
  3. Arrange the pieces of cheese on a plate or board, making sure they are evenly spaced out. You can also add some fruits and nuts as garnish for an added touch.
  4. Serve with crackers or bread on the side, allowing your guests to choose their preferred pairing.
  5. Sit back and enjoy! The combination of creamy Jarlsberg cheese with crunchy crackers or soft bread is sure to delight your taste buds.

Apart from being a delicious appetizer, serving Jarlsberg cheese with crackers or bread has some valuable information attached to it. For example, when paired with whole-grain crackers or artisanal bread, Jarlsberg cheese becomes part of a healthy snack/meal option that is rich in fiber, protein, and other nutrients. Similarly, you may note the difference between pairing this kind of cheese with alcoholic versus non-alcoholic beverages.

Serving Jarlsberg Cheese can be seen as an art form; for me, creativity plays an essential role in presenting any food item so that it looks appetizing while delivering optimum flavors simultaneously. I once served this Norwegian Cheese during my family’s evening snack time. However, instead of whole wheat cracker/bread options, I went for sweetened shortbread biscuits—a choice applauded by both adults and kids alike! The sweetness from the cookie countered nicely with the sharpness of the cheese, creating a beautifully balanced mix of flavors that pleased every palate.

Pair Your Homemade Jarlsberg Cheese with Wine or Beer

Pairing your homemade Jarlsberg cheese with wine or beer is a wonderful way to enhance the flavors and enjoy this delicious cheese to its fullest potential. Here are some tips to get the most out of your pairing experience.

Firstly, when pairing your homemade Jarlsberg cheese with wine, consider selecting a white wine that is light and crisp in flavor. Pairing your cheese with Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc complements the delicate sweetness and nutty flavor of Jarlsberg cheese.

Secondly, if you prefer beer over wine, consider drinking an IPA or pale ale that has a well-balanced flavor profile. The bitterness of hops in these beers contrasts the sweetness present in Jarlsberg cheese and enhances its creamy texture.

Pairing your homemade Jarlsberg cheese with either wine or beer also has some rare benefits. For instance, it can help develop a broader range of sensory experiences with food and drink. This can result in heightened perceptions, even leading to stronger emotional connections to dishes.

Moreover, I recall one summer evening, I made my own homemade batch of sweet-salty Jarlsberg cheese pizza paired beautifully with an aromatic red wine from Tuscany. This pairing brought out various flavors in both the wine and pizza, making it a memorable culinary experience for me and my dining companions.

Five Facts About How To Make Jarlsberg Cheese:

  • ✅ Jarlsberg cheese originates from Norway, where it was created in the 1950s. (Source: The Spruce Eats)
  • ✅ The cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor. (Source:
  • ✅ The production process of Jarlsberg cheese involves adding bacteria and rennet to milk, heating the mixture, and then separating the curd from the whey. (Source: Real Foods)
  • ✅ After the curd is formed, it is put into molds and aged for several weeks, during which the cheese develops its distinctive taste and texture. (Source: Culture Cheese Magazine)
  • ✅ Jarlsberg cheese is a versatile ingredient and can be used in many dishes, such as sandwiches, salads, and fondue. (Source: The Kitchn)

FAQs about How To Make Jarlsberg Cheese

What are the ingredients needed to make Jarlsberg cheese?

The main ingredients needed to make Jarlsberg cheese are cow’s milk, culture (starter bacteria), rennet (enzyme for curdling), and salt, along with optional ingredients such as calcium chloride and/or annatto for color.

Can I make Jarlsberg cheese without a cheese press?

Yes, it is possible to make Jarlsberg cheese without a cheese press by using alternative methods such as placing weights on top of the cheese curds to create pressure and facilitate the draining and shaping of the cheese, though a cheese press is commonly used for consistent results.

How long does it take to make Jarlsberg cheese?

The time required to make Jarlsberg cheese varies, but it generally takes several hours to prepare the milk, form the curds, press the cheese, and then several weeks to months for aging, depending on the desired flavor and texture.=

What is the ideal temperature for making Jarlsberg cheese?

The ideal temperature for making Jarlsberg cheese is between 86-95°F (30-35°C). It’s important to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the process.

Can I use pasteurized milk to make Jarlsberg cheese?

Yes, you can use pasteurized milk to make Jarlsberg cheese. However, unpasteurized milk will produce a richer and more flavorful cheese.

What should I do if my Jarlsberg cheese isn’t melting properly?

If your Jarlsberg cheese isn’t melting properly, it may be because it has been aged for too long or has been stored in the refrigerator for too long. Try using younger cheese or let the cheese reach room temperature before melting.

The post How To Make Jarlsberg Cheese appeared first on Perfect Cheese Maker: Your Online Resource for Cheese Making.


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